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Study Details

Sweet Dreams/Dulces Suenos

(IRB#: IRB_00179415)

The purpose of this study is to learn about how women of color find time to sleep in their busy lives. As well as balancing sleep with other healthy behaviors and life demands. The study also wants to learn the impact of sleep on risk factors for cardiovascular (heart) disease and diabetes. The results from the study will help develop a new intervention to improve sleep for women. Being in the study requires attending about a 60-minute in-person visit. During the visit participants will complete an online questionnaire, time use survey, and cardiometabolic assessment. After the in-person visit, participants will wear a Fitbit for 7 nights. During this time, participants will receive text messages each day to answer questions about the previous night and experiences that day. Participants will then complete a second interview. Participants will be paid for being in the study.


  • Female Only
  • Over 18 years old
  • Healthy Volunteers
  •   In Person
  • Paid

Who can participate?

 Gender: Female Only

  Age: Over 18 years old

  Volunteers: Healthy Volunteers

   Location: In Person

Inclusion Criteria

  • Over age 18
  • Identify as female
  • Identify race or ethnicity as Black or African American, Hispanic/Latina, African Immigrant or Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian
  • Can use a smartphone
  • Fluent in English, Spanish or Kirundi

Exclusion Criteria

  • Serious medical conditions including current cancer treatment, parkinson's disease or dementia
  • Serious psychiatric conditions including biopolar I or schizophrenia
  • Works overnights (between 12 am to 5 am) more than 1 time per month
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Women with children under 1 years old

Will I be paid for my time?


For more information contact:

Sweet Dreams


IRB#: IRB_00179415

PI: Kelly Baron


Approval Date: 2024-08-22 16:02:00

Study Categories: Diabetes Studies, Heart Studies, Mental Health and Well-being Studies, Weight Loss Studies

Last Updated: 6/8/23