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Study Details

Brain Stimulation for People with Cervical Dystonia

(IRB#: IRB_00165129)

Cervical Dystonia is a condition that causes involuntary muscle contractions in the neck. This study will test the effects of brain stimulation on cervical dystonia, related symptoms, and well-being. The study wants to see if brain stimulation helps people and is safe. Being in the study requires applying a small device on the top of the head over a specific area of the brain. This allows brain activity to be measured before and after brain stimulation. Participants will have images of the brain taken with MRI and fMRI. Participants movement, mental and emotional well-being, and feelings about participating in research will be assessed. Participation lasts about 5 weeks and includes frequent in-person visits at the University of Utah study clinic. People will be paid for participation.


  • All genders
  • Over 18 years old
  • Volunteers with special conditions
  •   In Person
  • Paid

Who can participate?

 Gender: All genders

  Age: Over 18 years old

  Volunteers: Volunteers with special conditions

   Location: In Person

Inclusion Criteria

  • Ages 40 to 70 years old
  • Clinical diagnosis of idiopathic cervical dystonia (or determined) by medical history, medical record, and physical/neurological examinations
  • Cervical dystonia severity must be measured with a specific exam and meet criteria
  • If treated with botulinum toxin (botox injections) participant must be 60 days after the last injections
  • All medication usage doses must remain stable during the study

Exclusion Criteria

  • Pregnant
  • History of stroke with remaining symptoms, movement disorder, brain tumor, or traumatic injury
  • History of past or present severe mental illness
  • History of past or present severe mental illness
  • Implanted devices such as a pacemaker or metal internal objects

Will I be paid for my time?


For more information contact:

Annalee Hovinga


IRB#: IRB_00165129

PI: Panagiotis Kassavetis

Department: NEUROLOGY

Approval Date: 2024-09-11 06:00:00

Study Categories: Brain Health Studies

Specialties: Neurology

Last Updated: 6/8/23